1.Cook it Yourself
The beast and easiest way to save on organic foods is to make it yourself. What I mean is, prepackaged meals are easy but they tend to be a bit more expensive then buying ingredients and making it yourself.
Not only is this fun, but it can be a great bonding time if you have kids. You can get them to help out preparing the meals.
If you just don't have enough time, then I suggest you check out crock pot recipes. There are so many sites on the internet that have so many easy, quick recipes to choose from.
2. Buy Your Foods in Season
Foods that are in season tend to be cheaper than other times. Its all about supply and demand. If the supply is high then the price has to come down to make the demand there. Or the people who have the produce might have it rot if they cant sell it all.
Fruits and vegetables can keep in a freezer for a very long time. So buy alot when they are in season and save all year round.
3. Buy Private Label Store Brands
Just because the foods have a name brand, doesn't mean they taste any better than store brands. Some people feel like they are buying sub-par foods just because it doesn't have a fancy label. This is simple not true. The foods tend to be just as good or even better.
4. Use Coupons
Sundays and Wednesday are the big coupon days if you buy a paper. You can find all kinds of money saving deals in their if you just take the time to look.
Plus there are so many coupon sites on the web its practically impossible to not find a coupon for something.
Another helpful tip is eBay. People tend to sell un wanted or unused coupons on the ol bay. This is a great way to snag some thous hard to get coupons like Lowes or Home Depot.
5. Buy from the Bulk Section
If your store has a bulk section, you can always save money there. My favorite store to go shopping is WinCo and their bulk section is huge. We always start there and then we head out to the rest of the store and pick up foods that are not in the bulk section. Probably the easiest way I know to save money, when shopping.
Be careful though, the bulk section isnt chalked full of organic foods, but there are some. So there is trade offs for getting a good deal.
6. Go meatless once a week
In America it would seem that meat at a meal is mandatory. Well pick a meal or two a week and try to go meatless. Not only does this make for creative, fun meals. But they are way healthier and cheaper to prepare.
Here is a simple easy recipe:
Organic pasta noodle of your choice
Your favorite white sauce
organic steamed brocolli
Heat and boil everything, mixed togethor and server.
Literately takes less than 15 mins to make this meal.
7. Join a CSA
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is one of the
most economical ways to buy organic produce.
Typically you pay a local farm up front for a season of
produce, milk, or meat. Shares, as they are called,
typically start at around $300 for a small family for
24-28 weeks of produce. Not bad if you break down
the cost on a weekly basis! Some CSAs allow you to
volunteer on their farm, which can reduce the price of
the share. CSA numbers have grown from only 50 in
1990 to over 4,000 in 2011! Local Harvest is a terrific
source to find CSAs in your area.
Thanks for reading my list of 7 ways to save on organic foods, if you would be interested in reading more on organics then check out this site here.
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