Wednesday, March 11, 2015

One Organic Mama: Organic, Homemixed, Non-Toxic, Pest Control

One Organic Mama: Organic, Homemixed, Non-Toxic, Pest Control: So in addition to planting my veggies among my
pretty petunias, marigolds, and stinky herbs that bugs hate - I have
needed an additional bug repellent this year.  My plants were covered in
bugs, eating up the leaves and leaving my plants looking so sad.  Neem
oil was recommended to me - and here is what I did! 

This was SO easy - and SO SO effective!  It is totally non-toxic and organic (depending on the products you choose).

I used:

1 and 1/2 tsp of Extra Virgin Neem Oil

1/4 tsp of soap (any soap you use is fine - you just need a tiny amount - I used some organic Ava hand soap)

24 oz of warm water

24 oz spray bottle 

You will
need to shake it each time you use it, but spray your plants late in the
evening or in the morning, leaves, stems, etc.  I did it right after a
rain to ensure the oil wouldn't be immediately washed away... and have
done it about once every 2 weeks since.  The neem oil smells a little
like old potatoes and onions, but doesn't affect the produce.  Neem oil
has lots of other uses too - so check out what else you can use it

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